Press Releases & Media Statements

May 25, 2024

House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill Language Falls Short

"After hours of discussion and markup, and months of delay, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee passed its Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 out of committee early Friday morning. While the legislation as drafted recommends some modest, positive changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), those changes are undercut by a proposal that would erode investments in SNAP and other emergency food assistance programs over time. At a time when our neighbors are faced with historically high costs for food and other household expenses and with food insecurity rates trending in the wrong direction, we need a strong farm bill that protects everyone on the food supply chain, from farmer to grocer to family. We urge Ohio’s congressional delegation to insist on a farm bill that fully invests in food and economic security. Ohio’s foodbanks and the households we serve need more help, not less.”

May 2, 2024

Ohio Association of Foodbanks Statement on Rural Prosperity and Security Act framework

“Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee released a framework of its Rural Prosperity and Security Act, a critical step forward in advancing a strong, bipartisan farm bill that protects and promotes food security for families and stability for farmers.
“As Ohio’s leading charitable response to hunger, the Ohio Association of Foodbanks has partnered with local and regional agricultural partners for decades to help reduce hunger and promote food security, while reducing food waste and contributing to a resilient food supply chain. That’s really the guiding principle that should underpin a successful farm bill – making investments that preserve and protect healthy communities, from the seed in the soil to the food on the table.
“The bill framework introduced protects and invests in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – something that is non-negotiable in any farm bill, and especially at a time of growing food insecurity and historic hardship. It signals critical support for programs like The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA) that help to prevent the indignity of hunger while supporting a reliable, robust agricultural sector, one that we’re all counting on to continue feeding the nation and the world. With 1.2 million people or more visiting emergency food pantries across Ohio every month for the past year – far more than at any time in our history – we know firsthand how much Ohioans are counting on meaningful investments in federal nutrition programs.
“As the farm bill process moves forward, we urge Congress to work together to pass a bipartisan bill that strengthens and protects investments in programs that nourishes children, parents and caregivers, workers, people with disabilities and older adults and supports farmers, growers and producers. Federal nutrition programs are vital to helping tens of millions of people across the country, including millions of Ohioans, access the wholesome food they need to thrive. The time is now – hardworking farmers and families can’t wait.”

Apr 18, 2024

Feeding America announces John van Hengel award winner for 2024, celebrates network members

Michael McKee, CEO of Blue Ridge Area Food Bank was awarded the 2024 John van Hengel Fellowship by Feeding America during the organization’s annual conference this week. Seven network members and affiliates were also recognized for their outstanding work, including: Arizona Food Bank Network, Facing Hunger Foodbank, Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, God’s Pantry Food Bank, Northern Illinois Food Bank, and Ohio Association of Foodbanks.

Ohio Association of Foodbanks is recognized for its pioneering approach to healthy food access by embracing the potential of a USDA program that incentivizes purchases from local producers for hunger relief activities. The partner state association worked diligently to foster trusting relationships among food banks and over 100 local farmers, most of whom were historically underserved by federal programs. Through direct dialogues, the state association helped partners agree on a unified aim of a resilient local supply chain with a pipeline for smaller growers. This approach balanced equitable prices and the scale needed to reach more people facing hunger.

Aug 11, 2023

Two-Day Tour Highlights Farmer and Foodbank Partnerships

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Congressional Offices Tour Urban and Family Farms and Foodbank, Discuss Farm Bill Priorities

Partners from state and local agencies, Ohio foodbanks, and Ohio farmers highlight early success of Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) program in Ohio, value of public-private partnerships, and importance of a Farm Bill rooted in food security

Jul 12, 2023

Ohio Foodbanks Leadership Transition

Ohio Association of Foodbanks executive director Lisa Hamler-Fugitt to retire after more than 20 years of leadership; Joree Novotny, long-tenured chief of staff, appointed as new executive director

Jun 30, 2023

Press Statement: Ohio Budget Invests in Food Security

The Ohio Association of Foodbanks is deeply grateful to Chairmen Rep. Jay Edwards and Sen. Matt Dolan and conference committee members for prioritizing hunger relief and food security in Sub. H.B. 33, the state’s two-year operating budget. We look forward to the passage of this biennial budget and to continuing our strong partnership with Governor DeWine and the State of Ohio to provide food and other resources to Ohioans in need.