Press Releases & Media Statements

Aug 11, 2023

Two-Day Tour Highlights Farmer and Foodbank Partnerships

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Congressional Offices Tour Urban and Family Farms and Foodbank, Discuss Farm Bill Priorities

Partners from state and local agencies, Ohio foodbanks, and Ohio farmers highlight early success of Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) program in Ohio, value of public-private partnerships, and importance of a Farm Bill rooted in food security

Jul 12, 2023

Ohio Foodbanks Leadership Transition

Ohio Association of Foodbanks executive director Lisa Hamler-Fugitt to retire after more than 20 years of leadership; Joree Novotny, long-tenured chief of staff, appointed as new executive director

Jun 30, 2023

Press Statement: Ohio Budget Invests in Food Security

The Ohio Association of Foodbanks is deeply grateful to Chairmen Rep. Jay Edwards and Sen. Matt Dolan and conference committee members for prioritizing hunger relief and food security in Sub. H.B. 33, the state’s two-year operating budget. We look forward to the passage of this biennial budget and to continuing our strong partnership with Governor DeWine and the State of Ohio to provide food and other resources to Ohioans in need.

Jun 15, 2023

Press Statement: Senate Budget Fails to Invest in Families

The budget passed today by the Ohio Senate represents a cut in funding for emergency food programs over the next two years, and a drastic, permanent decline in revenue to support basic health and human services most Ohioans rely on. We urge Governor DeWine, Lt. Governor Husted, and members of the Ohio House to firmly reject this budget and return to the fair, balanced and people-focused approach Ohioans want from their elected leaders.

Jun 6, 2023

Press Statement: Senate Budget Would Increase Hunger

Last week, we released findings from a study that reveal the majority of Ohio foodbank clients are being forced to choose between buying food or paying for other essential household expenses, including transportation, utilities, housing, and medicine and health care. Today, the Ohio Senate Finance Committee introduced a budget that removed the increased funding for foodbanks included in the Ohio House version of the budget, reducing the Ohio Food Program and Agricultural Clearance Program to level funding of $24.55 million per year during a time of record need and sustained inflation. At the same time, the Senate added a long list of harmful changes to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, and added a provision that would compel the Department of Medicaid to request a waiver to establish work reporting requirements for Medicaid.

May 31, 2023

Press Release: Statewide Study Finds Majority of Ohio Foodbank Clients Have to Choose Between Food, Other Basic Needs

A new study conducted by the Ohio Association of Foodbanks found that an alarming number of Ohioans are being forced to choose between buying food and paying for other essential household expenses. The findings are from an anonymous statewide survey conducted from April 14 to May 7, which included 2,087 validated responses from residents of 32.6% of all Ohio zip codes.