Press Releases & Media Statements
Ohio Association of Foodbanks Executive Director to Attend "Communities in Action: Building a Better Ohio" at the White House
"The Ohio Association of Foodbanks is proud to join Ohio elected officials and community leaders at the White House to kick off the Biden-Harris Administration’s Communities in Action series. This important conversation will focus on the investments the Administration has made in our communities and give us a chance to share our insights about how we can continue to partner together to leverage these historic investments on behalf of working families."
We Need Help Now
Ohio Association of Foodbanks Joint Statement on Critical Need for Support During Food Shortfalls, Hardship: We are calling on Governor DeWine and members of the Ohio General Assembly to act, with urgency, to help us prevent hunger now and promote stability in the months ahead.
National Data, Local Experience Show Investments in Families Reduce Hunger and Poverty
Recently released data, including the USDA Household Food Security report and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Income and Poverty and Supplemental Poverty Measure reports, show that temporary relief measures and efforts by the public and charitable sectors implemented in 2020 helped to insulate many Americans from greater hardship. With pandemic unemployment compensation ended, and other relief measures like SNAP Emergency Allotments, expanded SNAP eligibility for income-eligible college students and the temporarily expanded Child Tax Credit set to expire, Ohio anti-hunger and anti-poverty organizations are urging Congress to make critical permanent investments in the nation’s social safety net.
Press Statement on Expansion of Critical Navigator Services in Ohio, Across the Country
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced $80 million in federal awards to 60 grantees in 30 states to reinvest in critical Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Navigator services. The announcement includes $1,928,061 for the Ohio Association of Foodbanks and its consortium of regional and local organizations in its first year of a three-year cooperative agreement with CMS.
Press Statement on American Families Plan to Build More Equitable Economy
"The Ohio Association of Foodbanks is grateful for President Biden’s leadership announcing the American Families Plan that lays out a vision for building a stronger and more equitable economy. Food insecurity and unemployment rates are at an all-time high. While the recently enacted American Rescue Plan is providing much-needed relief to Ohioans – that relief is only temporary. We can’t stop there if we want to build a more equitable economy for Ohioans, many of whom continue to struggle to make ends meet. We urge Ohio’s congressional members to move swiftly to build on the President’s recovery proposals and craft legislation that improves the health and economic security for Ohioans."